Untether Technologies - About


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Untether Technologies is a Toronto-based technology company committed to helping food and beverage companies deliver high quality, fresh products — made just in time — to people at home, work or on the way. Building on the twin foundations of a powerful, patent-pending restaurant ordering and delivery platform and a fully-customized high-technology mobile kitchen model, the Untether Technologies team frees customers from the long line-ups of traditional brick-and-mortar shops alongside the wait times, perishability, and cost issues associated with third-party delivery companies.

Untether’s ordering and delivery platform powers our Mobile Kitchen Delivery Solutions and Restaurant Software Solutions offering.

Instead of relaying on third party delivery companies, our Mobile Kitchen Delivery Solution includes the expertise to design, build, and deploy mobile kitchens for large restaurant chains, as well as providing all of the software needed to efficiently operate mobile kitchens for delivery. This enables restaurants to gain back the profitability lost to third party delivery, while delivering a better, fresher product to their customers.

Our Restaurant Software Solution provides an integrated order and pickup restaurant platform, that aligns order production to your customers “actual” arrival at your location.

Together both of these solutions are the Future of Restaurant Ordering & Delivery.

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