Untether Technologies - Let’s Get Untethered!

Let’s Get Untethered!

May 9, 2022
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Untether Technologies is incredibly excited for our debut at RC Show 2022!

We’re a Toronto-based technology company committed to helping food and beverage companies deliver high-quality, fresh products — made “just in time” at a customer’s actual arrival time.  Building on the twin foundations of a powerful, patent-pending ordering platform and a fully-customized high-technology Mobile Kitchen model, the Untether Technologies team seeks to free both restaurants AND customers from the restaurant industry’s traditionally long line-ups and wait times, the financial and economic burden of food perishability, and the cost issues associated with third-party delivery companies.

We’ve been hard at work since spring 2019 developing our Mobile Kitchen development service alongside our comprehensive software and hardware platforms featuring our Mobile Kitchen and Restaurant Software Solutions:

Each of these individual pieces of software and hardware works together cohesively to ensure that orders can be made just-in-time, aligned to each customer’s real-time arrival.  This is possible thanks to Untether’s patent-pending technology which accurately predicts actual customer arrival times (no more guess-timations), aligning every order’s production schedule to this crucial piece of information.

Come and say hi at BOOTH #940.  We’re eager to make your acquaintance, and answer your questions about how we’re looking to help shape the way we create, package, deliver, and consume food in Canada, North America, and around the world.

Let’s start a revolution in the restaurant industry: one where we can reduce food waste and carbon footprints, increase order capacity and profits, improve workflow efficiencies, and – above all else – deliver a higher level and quality of service that leaves our collective customers craving just one more bite.

Who’s hungry?

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