Untether Technologies - Mobile Advanced Routing

Mobile Advanced Routing

Scale your business to its maximum potential: optimize your delivery routes to give your customers both the best possible experience and best version of your product.

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Untether Technologies - Mobile Kitchen Software Suite
Untether Technologies’ Advanced Routing app is the backbone of our Mobile Kitchen delivery service: offering large restaurant chains the ability to deploy Mobile Kitchens at scale – for the first time – in an effort to reduce the financial and quality issues related to third-party food delivery services.

Untether’s Advanced Routing app has four main components: Route Optimization, Delivery Clustering, Proximity-Based Marketing, and Revenue Optimizer.  Together these components enable restaurant chains to efficiently add Mobile Kitchens and delivery services to their existing business distribution options.

  • Route Optimization
    Route Optimization

    Route Optimization ensures Mobile Kitchens move efficiently within a geofenced delivery area.  All delivery commitments take into account travel time, item preparation time, existing delivery commitments and available delivery capacity.

  • Delivery Clustering
    Delivery Clustering

    Delivery Clustering automatically forces all new orders to be clustered efficiently around existing orders in the queue when new customers are seeking available delivery times via our Untether-enabled Mobile App.  The system blocks certain available delivery slots to ensure trucks operate efficiently without inconveniencing both queued and pending customers.

  • Proximity-Based Marketing
    Proximity-Based Marketing

    When a Mobile Kitchen is close to a customer’s location and has excess delivery capacity within the delivery window, Untether-enabled Mobile Apps can use proprietary advanced notification technology to contact these customers with last-minute sales offerings.  Notifications are transmitted along the charted delivery route of the Mobile Kitchen in an effort to ensure all deliveries are optimized: a customer could receive an almost immediate delivery based on the available capacity of that nearby Mobile Kitchen.

    This further enables leading brands to turn the Mobile Ordering model into a Mobile Offering model, where proximity marketing can be used to sell excess capacity from a Mobile Kitchen, with the added potential to include additional marketing offers to incentivize customers to act on a delivery offer at a moment’s notice.

  • Revenue Optimizer
    Revenue Optimizer

    Untether’s Revenue Optimizer offers incentives (such as discounts and delivery fee reductions) via proximity-based marketing notifications made to customers with an Untether-enabled Mobile app.  If it has excess delivery capacity, a Mobile Kitchen with a scheduled delivery within a micro-delivery area might offer a 10% discount to other local customers until its next scheduled delivery.  These offers are designed to fill this excess capacity with positive contribution dollars from incremental deliveries obtained through proximity-based marketing and incentives.

Untether’s Mobile Advanced Routing enhances our entire Mobile Kitchen delivery solution:

  • Environmental Benefits: more efficient movement reduces unnecessary travel, reducing unnecessary emissions and creating environmental benefits as a result.
  • Capacity Maximization: more efficient travel means less driving and more available capacity for accepting and delivering orders, thus more revenue-generating production time.
  • Order Maximization: improves the number of orders that can physically be delivered per hour during a scheduled service window.
  • Increases Revenue Potential: improves revenue per stop and revenue per kilometer radius by delivering in micro-delivery areas.
  • Customer Engagement: builds customer engagement by increasing communication to them with unique offerings.
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